How do you know when you’ve reached the end? When the main story goal or quest has been completed. What if you don’t have one of those? You may have lots of interesting “vignettes” or episodes or scenes. Some of them may not even include your main [...]
There’s nothing worse than getting through a good novel that fizzles out or doesn’t go anywhere. Many authors can create an intriguing first few chapters, but fail with a weak final battle scene that seems flat or two dimensional. This video will help you [...]
This video is week six of my 12-week course on novel writing. This week you’ll be writing towards the midpoint of your novel. In this section (exploring the new world) you’ll be focused on developing your protagonist’s sense of self-identity in [...]
This is part of my 12 week course on writing novels; this week we’ll be writing the first act, up to the ‘point of no return’. PS… I made a video but the video part broke, so it’s just sound. Try to focus on what’s happening [...]
A great novel has two parts: 1. story – what happens 2. drama – why it matters. Far too many authors screw this up in the beginning with boring backstory and information, which takes away all the intrigue and suspense; or by not including enough conflict [...]
Update: you can now download this in-depth plotting template in Word, Google docs or Scrivener. There’s also an advanced video walkthrough. Check it out here (free download). Download this template: http://www.creativindie.com/plot-out… Write [...]
This video is an introduction to my 8 point “plot dot” guide to outlining your novel. These are the 8 major turning points that keep momentum, suspense and tension. Without them, your book may not convince readers to keep turning the pages. Watch all the [...]
Every time I help a new author edit their book I comment on the same issues. And even though I’ve spent years talking about book marketing and publishing, recently I’ve been focused on the craft of actually writing books readers love, because the [...]

If you want to elevate your self-publishing game, you need to do more than write. Here are the top 5 areas you should focus on.

How to Generate Ideas for Your Book or Story by Analyzing What Readers Really Want
Want to write a book that readers really want? Look no further. In this article, we'll go over what makes a good story idea.